Sunday, August 17, 2008

Green Friendly - Organic Cotton

Hello hello, Alex Renaud from Feenix Gear here bringing you some more interesting but yet educational facts about more exciting green-friendly materials. Today i am going to tell you a little about organic cotton and why it is just that much better!

Organic Cotton is one of the most popular green-friendly materials used in the textile (clothing) industry today. The thing that separates organic cotton from jersey fine cotton is primarly the way that it is produced. Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a very low impact on our environment as opposed to conventional cotton, which actually is one of the most hazardous textile materials in our world today.

Organic cotton production replenishes and maintains soil fertility while also reducing the use of pesticides and other toxic fertilizers. Some benefits other then being green-friendly are that organic cotton offers a softer and higher quality textile that only organic cotton can offer. This is made possible because when conventional cotton is grown, it becomes compromised and weakened by the hazardous chemicals used in growing, processing and dying of the cotton. You might not think that’s these small facts matter, but they actually break down the cotton fiber and create a inferior cotton garment. That is why you get a stronger, softer cotton using organics

Conventional cotton crops are amongst the most heavily sprayed with pesticides and fertilizers in the world. Conventional cotton is sprayed approx 30-40 times per season. A little statistic that might catch your attention is that conventional cotton compromises only about 3% of the farmlands but consumes over 25% of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers used. Do you really want to me relaxing in this type of textile. To give you a ball park figure, each year about 600 thousand tons of hazardous pesticides and fertilizers are used for the production of conventional cotton.

The alternative, organic cotton. Organic cotton is grown in fields where the use of hazardous pesticides and fertilizers are strictly forbidden. Organic farming is a farming method that relies only on natural inputs.

To wrap this all up, organic cotton is not only significantly better for our planet but its alot softer and stronger. It has no hazardous chemicals that have been sprayed on the crops, which again means healthier for us because we don't have all those poisons on our shoulders at all hours of the day. I hope that this blog has at least opened your eyes to the hazardous world of conventional cotton and will influence you to buy organic the next time you go shopping.

Alex Renaud

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