Monday, August 11, 2008

Feenix Gear - Soy as a textile fiber?

Alex Renaud here again from Feenix. Today as promised I will be blogging a little about Soybeans and why they are described as a “miracle crop of many uses”. Since the introduction to Canada in 1893 soybeans have been used in a wide variety of ways not only in the food industry but also in the clothing industry. Other industries have taken advantage of this wonderful environmentally friendly product as well. You are able to find such items as soy crayons, building materials, household products, inks, adhesives and many many more.

Although today we are going to be talking about soy textile fibers. Soy is a very environmentally friendly product with many great advantages. The process to making soy textile is to liquefy the waist from soybeans and then shape it into long, continuous fibers that are then cut and weaved just like all of today’s textile materials. Soy is incredibly soft and has been deemed a “Vegetable Cashmere” because its feel resembles a lot to cashmere materials.

Soy also has a positive effect on our human body. It possesses many different kinds of amino acids which gives it great health protection advantages. Other interesting facts about soybeans and soy textiles is that the content of each fiber contains close to 45% protein. Soy also contains 18 active materials that are necessary to the human body.

Now one thing that you must keep in mind is that not all soy products are organic, some are and other are not. The “organic fibers” are much greener then those traditionally grown, but all in all, all soy textile is better for the environment then all other non-organic products.

Soy once again deemed “vegetable cashmere” is extremely soft and smooth and has a wonderful silky luster. Soy products are becoming a #1 choice for the fashion minds that takes pride in sustainable clothing.

For some great soy products stay tuned to our inventory as this product will soon see our shelves and will be waiting for you. You can find out more at

Thank you

Alex Renaud

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