Monday, August 25, 2008

Eco-friendly, Feenix Gear - Greenhouse Gas effect

Hey guys, Alex Renaud from Feenix Gear here bringing you some more cool points on some environmental facts. Today I have decided to blog about "the Green House effect". This to some people means nothing, hopefully after reading this you'll be a little more cautious.

The Greenhouse gas's effect of our planet, they are something that we should be aware of and also should be trying to do something to prevent it from getting any worse. If you are completely unaware of what the "Green House effect" is, its basically our atmosphere trapping in the heat energy from the sun that then heats up our atmosphere.

If you want to make things a little easier. Picture a Green House, the ones with glass panels forming its walls and roof. These small houses work because they trap the heat from the sun inside. The glass panels let in the sun light while also keeping the warmth inside, this allows the greenhouse to heat up much like a black car parked under the sun, the heat allows us to grow plants, especially in the winter time.

Now move away from the greenhouses and think of our planet. Our air, soil, tree's everything around us. Greenhouse gas's are similar to the glass panels on the greenhouses. As sunlight enters our atmosphere it pass's through a blanket of greenhouse gas's, eventually it reaches the earths surface and is absorbed. Once absorbed the sunlight energy is pitched back into our atmosphere, some of the energy emits itself back into the universe but most of it remains trapped in our atmosphere because of the greenhouse gas blanket. It has become a great problem because now our planet is heating up bit by bit each day. Without these gas's the earth would be able to maintain its normal temperature of 60 degree's F.

This energy entrapment is a direct result of many of the things that are happening around the world today. Many of our glaciers up North are disappearing rapidly, along with many other global issues such as the massive amount of hurricane's in the United States. Greenhouse gas's are now an every day problem that still need a solution. Greenhouse gas's are real and we do need to watch how we treat our planet.

Take a look at the picture up top... those mountains used to be completely covered in snow.... take a good look at how much snow remains...

Alex Renaud

Lacrosse apparel, custom team or business orders. Feenix Gear also offers eco-friendly clothing.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Green Friendly - Organic Cotton

Hello hello, Alex Renaud from Feenix Gear here bringing you some more interesting but yet educational facts about more exciting green-friendly materials. Today i am going to tell you a little about organic cotton and why it is just that much better!

Organic Cotton is one of the most popular green-friendly materials used in the textile (clothing) industry today. The thing that separates organic cotton from jersey fine cotton is primarly the way that it is produced. Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a very low impact on our environment as opposed to conventional cotton, which actually is one of the most hazardous textile materials in our world today.

Organic cotton production replenishes and maintains soil fertility while also reducing the use of pesticides and other toxic fertilizers. Some benefits other then being green-friendly are that organic cotton offers a softer and higher quality textile that only organic cotton can offer. This is made possible because when conventional cotton is grown, it becomes compromised and weakened by the hazardous chemicals used in growing, processing and dying of the cotton. You might not think that’s these small facts matter, but they actually break down the cotton fiber and create a inferior cotton garment. That is why you get a stronger, softer cotton using organics

Conventional cotton crops are amongst the most heavily sprayed with pesticides and fertilizers in the world. Conventional cotton is sprayed approx 30-40 times per season. A little statistic that might catch your attention is that conventional cotton compromises only about 3% of the farmlands but consumes over 25% of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers used. Do you really want to me relaxing in this type of textile. To give you a ball park figure, each year about 600 thousand tons of hazardous pesticides and fertilizers are used for the production of conventional cotton.

The alternative, organic cotton. Organic cotton is grown in fields where the use of hazardous pesticides and fertilizers are strictly forbidden. Organic farming is a farming method that relies only on natural inputs.

To wrap this all up, organic cotton is not only significantly better for our planet but its alot softer and stronger. It has no hazardous chemicals that have been sprayed on the crops, which again means healthier for us because we don't have all those poisons on our shoulders at all hours of the day. I hope that this blog has at least opened your eyes to the hazardous world of conventional cotton and will influence you to buy organic the next time you go shopping.

Alex Renaud

Monday, August 11, 2008

Feenix Gear - Soy as a textile fiber?

Alex Renaud here again from Feenix. Today as promised I will be blogging a little about Soybeans and why they are described as a “miracle crop of many uses”. Since the introduction to Canada in 1893 soybeans have been used in a wide variety of ways not only in the food industry but also in the clothing industry. Other industries have taken advantage of this wonderful environmentally friendly product as well. You are able to find such items as soy crayons, building materials, household products, inks, adhesives and many many more.

Although today we are going to be talking about soy textile fibers. Soy is a very environmentally friendly product with many great advantages. The process to making soy textile is to liquefy the waist from soybeans and then shape it into long, continuous fibers that are then cut and weaved just like all of today’s textile materials. Soy is incredibly soft and has been deemed a “Vegetable Cashmere” because its feel resembles a lot to cashmere materials.

Soy also has a positive effect on our human body. It possesses many different kinds of amino acids which gives it great health protection advantages. Other interesting facts about soybeans and soy textiles is that the content of each fiber contains close to 45% protein. Soy also contains 18 active materials that are necessary to the human body.

Now one thing that you must keep in mind is that not all soy products are organic, some are and other are not. The “organic fibers” are much greener then those traditionally grown, but all in all, all soy textile is better for the environment then all other non-organic products.

Soy once again deemed “vegetable cashmere” is extremely soft and smooth and has a wonderful silky luster. Soy products are becoming a #1 choice for the fashion minds that takes pride in sustainable clothing.

For some great soy products stay tuned to our inventory as this product will soon see our shelves and will be waiting for you. You can find out more at

Thank you

Alex Renaud

Friday, August 8, 2008

Feenix Gear - eco-friendly bamboo

Hello Its Alex Renaud, the founder and president of Feenix Gear. To let you know a little about our business, we are a new student owned and operated company. We have many different eco-friendly alternative and everything can be custom ordered with your own team logo. You can find out more at

Today i am going to discuss to you the benefit of using bamboo as a textile and why is it probably the coolest fiber to work with, its for sure the coolest thing since sliced bread.

Bamboo, where do we begin:

Bamboo clothing is a modern invention that originated as a desire for a greener planet. It is considered the ‘most sustainable natural fiber on earth with many extraordinary qualities. It is the fastest growing plant on earth, making it naturally highly renewable. In fact, bamboo grows to its maximum height in approximately 3 months.

The process to make bamboo fiber is simple; essentially stalks of bamboo are crushed and pulped to separate the natural fibers. The fibers are then mixed with the lowest impacted chemicals to convert the plant fiber into textile quality fiber.

It is not only extremely soft and 'luxuriously' comfortable, it absorbs and evaporates sweat quicker (3-4 times better than your average t-shirt), it has a thermo-control system that allows your body to breathe easier in hot weather and keeps you warmer in cold weather. It is an antistatic material, it also cuts down 98% of harmful UV rays that attack your skin.

Besides these advantages, bamboo clothing has a smooth and round texture, with little chemical treatments that may irritate skin.

Finally, Bamboo clothing is antibacterial and antifungal. Therefor , it resists the spread of bacteria on the skin. This makes it perfect for sensitive or allergy prone skin.

Now thank you for having taken the time to read my little blog, and tell me have I made a believer out of you or will you have to read about my next blog where i tell you the advantages of using Soy textiles that has been deemed a "vegetable cashmere".

Alex Renaud