Sunday, November 23, 2008

Feenix Gear, Wal-Mart new sustainable project

Hello folks, Alex Renaud here from Feenix Gear. I know much everyone always attacks Wal-Mart, well today i have decided to share with you some information that will hopefully make you think twice about Wal-Mart.

As we all can probably agree, Wal-Mart is one of the biggest companies in the world with an expanding global presence. But with this comes responsibility to set the bar for other smaller companies to follow. As we are finally realising just how important it is to be more sustainable it is just as important for Wal-Mart to set precedence. Wal-Mart has established a project where their long term goal is to become 100% supplied by renewable energy. Two things that they have done to put this plan to effect have been to launch a solar power pilot project and have made plans to purchase wind power.

What is involved in the solar pilot project:

• Wal-Mart signed a 10 year contract with SunEdison, PowerLight and BP solar all leading providers of large scale solar power systems.
• They are installing solar generating systems in 22 locations in Hawaii and California combined.
• Each solar power system can provide up to 30% of the power for the entire store.
• The total solar power production is estimated to produce 20 million KWn (KiloWatt-hours) per year. Top 10 largest solar power initiatives world wide.
• The solar power generators will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 6,500-10,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

As you can see the Solar Pilot Project is far in its way to help Wal-Mart become more sustainable. Wal-Mart has also said that the results of the project will be used to explore additional ways to achieve its energy goal of 100% renewable and determine how to move forward with solar power.

Secondly Wal-Mart’s Wind power implementation:

• Wal-Mart has entered a 4 year power purchase with Duke energy and has agreed to purchase a wind farm in Notrees, Texas.
• The Wind farm will be able to produce 226 million KWn of renewable energy each year. This would be enough energy to power more than 20,000 average homes.
• This purchase represents one of the largest purchases of green power among retailers and could rank Wal-Mart third amongst retailers who are using green power.
• By producing this Wal-Mart will be avoiding producing more than 139,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.
• This is equivalent to taking 25,000 cars off the road.

The amount of renewable energy Wal-Mart will be able to produce with this wind farm is incredible and is a great step into leading our business world into a more sustainable era.
Together, the solar power generators and wind farm will generate close to 250 million KWn per year and will avoid using close to 150,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

Thank you to Wal-Mart stores for providing this information.

Alex Renaud
Feenix Gear

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