Alex Renaud, a 22 year old Trent University student and Founder of Feenix Gear, had been playing lacrosse for 10 years. When at the age of 18 was involved in a terrible house fire that ended his career and hopes of ever making it to the pros.
From this tragedy Feenix Gear was born. The phoenix is a mythical bird that is reborn from ashes. Similarly, Feenix Gear was born out of the ashes of Alex’s lacrosse dreams. No longer able to participate, Alex found a new way to be a part of the sport that he loved.
Alex knew that there was very little Canadian lacrosse merchandise readily available. He researched new materials like bamboo and old favorites like cotton from which to make his own line of quality lacrosse gear.
Through networking Alex learned about the “My Summer Company Program”. Alex applied online and was soon introduced to the wonderful staff of the Peterborough business advisory centre that were instrumental in securing the grant necessary to begin production.
Feenix Gear offers an all green-friendly sports alternative. Our apparels are an all natural and anti-bacterial solution. They can even come custom ordered with your team logo.